Hi I’m Ellie

I'm a nature-based coach based in Cheshire where I help purpose-led people find freedom for their physical and mental well-being by getting out from their desks and into nature. 

I specialise in outdoor coaching for individuals and groups who appreciate the benefits of being outside.


1:1 coaching to help you get unstuck and
accountable. Moving out of your head and into nature to help you move forward.


An escape into nature for purpose-led business owners to discover deep conversation, new friends and collaborators-in-waiting.


Self-care, self-discovery and vision setting for people who need to just “be” in the company of like-hearted souls.

Sound familiar?...

✓ Struggling to establish and maintain healthy boundaries in your work and personal life, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and exhuasted.

✓Constantly trying please others, often at the expense of your own needs, meaning you flit between feelings of stress and burnout.

✓  Feeling on the edge of burnout due to the high levels of responsibility and demands both at work and at home.

✓ Grappling with feelings of guilt when prioritising your own self-care and struggling to give yourself permission to focus on what you truly need.

✓ Sick of being stuck in unhelpful patterns or behaviours that are hindering both your personal and professional growth.

✓ Ready to invest in changing these patterns and start making progress so you're no longer just surviving but thriving.

How I help

Many small business owners I meet, have taken the self-employed path because they have a passion to make a living out of something they believe in that makes the world a better place and it often relates to bringing more creativity into our worlds.

Running a business on these terms can be so rewarding yet so tough.

You suddenly spend most of your time doing everything except the things you’re passionate about - you are now the accountant, the marketer, the CEO, the administrator, the social media guru and everything else in between. It leaves little energy and time to do the actual thing you set your business up for in the first place! Not to mention that often we embark on the self-employed journey to get a better work/life balance so we have the flexibility to make more time for the other areas of our lives that are important to us.

So who do you turn to to support YOU while you are juggling all of this? Someone who is a sounding board when you feel like your friends and family have become a bit fed up with hearing you talk about your new ideas and latest challenges? Who can shine a mirror on you
and reflect back on things that are in our blind spot? Who can help you think about your challenges in a different way, unlocking options that hadn’t considered before? Someone who can hold you to account and on track when you are trying to manage competing priorities....

I am not a business coach, I believe that you are the person who knows your business best. What works well for someone else may not work for you and I do not believe in a one size fits all approach.

I believe that in order to succeed in whatever you set your mind to, alignment is key to having the resilience it takes to keep going when building and running your business.

I work with people to listen to what their bodies are telling them in order to avoid disengagement and burnout. To look at their challenges in a different way and tap into their intuition in order to find options that may not have been visible before.

I encourage people to get outdoors, break the mould and do things on their own terms. Building a business around what works for you and feeds your soul so you can give back to others from a place of contentment.

What my clients say

I loved the informality and intimacy of the event, with it being a smaller group I felt comfortable opening up and sharing.It was also lovely that it was at Ellie’s house, made it more personal.

I thoroughly enjoyed my reiki and visionboard experience. I came away feeling full of confidence and positivity. Ellie and Kate were so welcoming and really put me at ease.

It was lovely to meet the other ladies and have time to chat after the reiki session whilst we were creating our vision boards!

Book on for one of my Netwalking or Wellness Experiences